A talk with our very own trailblazer
While most students have spent their holiday catching up on sleep and studies, final year student Nandipha Jack was out conquering the...

Comics and Cosplay at Con.ect 2016
This year’s Con.ect Geek Convention was a massive success, with an estimated 1500 people in attendance, doubling the previous year’s...

Nike's self-lacing sneaker: A first
Imagine: buttons on the sides of your sneakers that allowed you to tweak how tightly the laces are done; laces that can be held in a...

Ignite the fire within
“Ignite the Fire Within” was the slogan of the day at the NMMU Open Day 2016, which took place on the 6th and 7th of May. Both days were...

Be Free
What it means to be free. As we all know by now, the 27th of April was Freedom Day in South Africa. We know this because we conveniently...

Your phone’s camera - why more megapixels isn’t better
Having more megapixels does not necessarily mean you have a better camera. Selfies - they have become an annoying and unstoppable part of...

Make Every Day Earth Day
Although Earth Day was on the 22nd of April, you still have every reason to show your support for the environment this month. We’ve...

Don't Worry - Be happy!
I know, I know, DP season is upon us and we are all scurrying around to get things done. Assignments and tests are creeping around every...

The Foundation of New Education
The 4th of April will see the new NMMU Education Building open its doors to ‘next generation’ Foundation Phase teachers. The curriculum,...

The Month of All Things Canned, Convenient and Crazy-Cheap
February is national Canned Food Month, and as bizarre as it sounds, dedicating the month to one of the most affordable foods on the...