There are approximately 3 months left of the academic year. Seriously, where did the time go? I think everyone should give themselves a...

A talk with our very own trailblazer
While most students have spent their holiday catching up on sleep and studies, final year student Nandipha Jack was out conquering the...

Insta-save that for later
Attention all selfie and Instagram lovers! Instagram is reportedly testing out a new feature that is sure to be a treat for the Instagram...

Comics and Cosplay at Con.ect 2016
This year’s Con.ect Geek Convention was a massive success, with an estimated 1500 people in attendance, doubling the previous year’s...

Conjuring up her wholeness: A Public lecture by Makhosazana Xaba
On the 5th of May 2016, NMMU hosted the published poet and feminist activist, Makhosazana Xaba at the South Campus Auditorium for a...

The Road to Mr and Miss Freshette: The Secret Behind the Success
A month after the event and people can still look back at the Mr and Miss Freshette event with fond memories.. The SRC events committee...

Make Every Day Earth Day
Although Earth Day was on the 22nd of April, you still have every reason to show your support for the environment this month. We’ve...

How You Can Implement Random Acts of Kindness in Your Everyday Life
We often see people on the television volunteering their services in war-stricken countries or in countries that were hit by natural...

Don't Worry - Be happy!
I know, I know, DP season is upon us and we are all scurrying around to get things done. Assignments and tests are creeping around every...

Find Out What it Means to You
As students who have recently entered or have been a part of the tertiary education environment, there are two vital facts among many...