Make Every Day Earth Day
Although Earth Day was on the 22nd of April, you still have every reason to show your support for the environment this month. We’ve gathered some of the simplest student-friendly ways to be eco-friendly so that you can start celebrating Earth Day, every day!
Reusable bags
As convenient as it is to just buy a plastic bag at the till, it’s also costly – to you and the environment! There are tons of durable shopping bags available, even at the till points of some supermarkets, and loads of stylish tote bags out there for you to choose from. Keep one in your car or rolled up in your backpack to make sure you always have it when you hit the shops.
Reusable bottles
Over the long run, buying one durable bottle will work out to be so much cheaper than buying plastic bottles every time. You can find them in all colours, shapes and sizes; try to find a one-litre size so that you can also stay hydrated all day long!
Support earth-friendly brands
With so many options to choose from, why not support those shops that are actively working towards protecting the earth? From clothing to food labels, try to look out for products that are eco-friendly or brands that contribute 100% of their proceeds to an organisation in need. One example is Cotton On with their Cotton On Foundation brand, selling those reusable tote bags you need, as well as lots of other goodies.
By incorporating these little changes into your life – whilst still doing the basics like using water sparingly and turning off unnecessary lights – you can start living out NMMU’s value of respect for the natural environment, and make every day an Earth Day!

Photo credits: Anthea John