If you want to apply for the position of either News Journalist or News Editor, please write a 200 word article on the following topic:
The #FeesMustFall movement and the effects on NMMU.
If you want to apply for the position of either L&E Journalist or L&E Editor, please write a 200 word article on the following topic:
The importance of joining societies at university.
If you want to apply for the position of either S&T Journalist or S&T Editor, please write a 200 word article on the following topic:
Choose any trending App; explain how it works and why it is trending.
If you want to apply for the position of either Sports Journalist or Sports Editor, please write a 200 word article on:
Varsity Cup, or any other NMMU-related sports match.
Graphic Designers, Photographers and Videographers, please send through a digital portfolio to Dana Hyde -
NMMYou Recruitment 2017
NMMYou is looking for talented and capable writers and designers to join our team! If you're interested, please fill in the attached application form and an example of your work as stipulated below.