Be Free
What it means to be free.

As we all know by now, the 27th of April was Freedom Day in South Africa. We know this because we conveniently had a day off class, followed by a long weekend. Great, wasn’t it? But do we really know what the term “freedom” encompasses? What is freedom and what does it mean to you?
Seeing as not many people can put into words what freedom means or what it means to them personally, I took it upon myself to consult a dictionary and here is what I got:
“The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.”
“Liberation from slavery or restraint, or from the power of another.”
“The quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous.”

For me, freedom is ultimate liberation; both internally and externally. In a way, our freedom depends on us. For a person to be truly free, they need to free themselves from their insecurities, negative thoughts, doubts and the imaginary chains. Basically, they need to free themselves from themselves. Only then will they be free from the external chains and power of another.
Once you have that freedom, it is up to you to make the most of it and avoid returning to whatever it is that chained you. Fortunately, we can all practice being free every single day of our lives and not just on the 27th of April.