The Foundation of New Education

The 4th of April will see the new NMMU Education Building open its doors to ‘next generation’ Foundation Phase teachers.
The curriculum, which has also been ‘revamped’, focuses on increasing art, drama, music, and language knowledge within teachers of tomorrow. These are core spheres essential to a well-rounded teaching experience that will unlock a young child’s creative and mental capability.
The 56 million rand building is a dynamic space, with ‘movable’ furniture that can accommodate all the above learning areas. The space will also be used for ‘after-school’ initiatives that will benefit the surrounding community.
The building is jam-packed with up-to-date technology, such as a “hearing loop”. A resource center and ‘discussion pit’ are also included within the space – whose architectural design is simplistic, yet memorable. It is a true asset for NMMU, who are dedicated to increasing motivated educators.
The decision to build in Missionvale Campus has been met by controversy. However, the number of disadvantaged schools in the area ultimately sealed the deal. Naturally, it is here that education graduates will be able make the largest impact.