Recap: NMMU Mass Meeting over #FeesMustFall Student Movement
A students perspective weeks after #FeesMustFall Two weeks ago students exhibited their strength as future leaders of our country by...

That Little Thing Called exams
Believe it or not, exam season is upon us! Sjoe! Time has flown! (If you don’t believe me, pop into the Acres Spar, across the way from...
I'm Going Down to South Park...
We all have certain milestones which keep us going throughout the year. Perhaps yours is the first match of the Premier League season or...
The Career Dilemma
"I’ve learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same thing as ‘making a life’. - Maya Angelou This is for the matrics of 2015. You are...

The Tsotsi-taal 101 Guide to Ekasi Slang: South Africa in Context
We are midway through September, the month that commemorates a wide variety of occasions, events and causes in South Africa – the...
RAGE: What Your Support has Achieved
The RAGE Campaign has been running since the beginning of August and the organisers are very excited about the support that they have...

A Diverse Celebration: A Recap of the Diversity Week Events
Photos by Shawn Marsh Last week, NMMU set out to celebrate International Diversity Week on 2ndAvenue and South Campus. This week-long...

Padding Up Underprivileged Girls for Woman's Month
Madibaz Radio is celebrating Women’s Month this August with their #SaniTeens Campaign. The Campaign started on 3 August and will continue...
Psychology Students Lend a Helping Hand this Winter
NMMU’s Psychology Society through the assistance of the NMMU community hope to donate clothes and food to pupils from Loyiso High School...
Sticks and Stone, Bud, Sticks and Stones
I am going to do to this blog post what I do to conversations when I run out of talking topics — go meta. I have been told by the higher...