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The Career Dilemma

"I’ve learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same thing as ‘making a life’. - Maya Angelou

This is for the matrics of 2015. You are entering a new chapter in your lives: a ‘bitter-sweet’ complex.

However, deciding on the ‘title’ of this new chapter may be slightly mind-boggling. It’s hard choosing a career. With so many options, opportunities are endless. And so are headaches.

Some people seem to be born ‘knowing’. Me? It took a year of a wrong course to review my co-ordinates and set sail for a new horizon.

For a year, I shackled my creativity, my love for words, in pursuit of a career in science. Let’s just say that although I got DP in BOT101, I didn’t get DP in happiness.

Family and friends said they knew all along. Essentially, it was I who suffocated my dreams. But maybe I needed to know what was ‘not me’ to ‘find me’…

My advice? Choose happiness (however commercial that may sound). Follow a career that is true to yourself and the talents you are gifted with. Sometimes this takes time; sometimes this takes a wrong turn.

Also, never let the unrealistic expectations of society, your peers, your parents (and even yourself) colour your vision.

Simply put, BE YOU. Take your dream and make it a reality. In the words of Dr Seuss:

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you’er than you.”

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