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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: The Importance of Setting Goals

If you have a goal, write it down. If you do not write it down, it becomes a wish. As the saying goes, a goal is a dream with a plan of action.

German philosopher, Fredrick Nietzsche, said that if you know the why for living, you can endure almost any how.

Let me break this down for you:

Setting goals is determining the why for your life; it’s the driving force behind everything you do. For example, if the goal for your life is to be financially independent (as I’m sure many of ours are) then that is your why. When it’s midnight and you’re still cramming for that semester test the next morning and you begin to ask yourself, “Why am I doing this? How am I going to get through all of this?” — your goals are the answer to those questions of doubt.

Write your goals down and when you begin to doubt and question how you’re going to make it, look at your goals – that brand new Audi, a house on the beach, a one-way ticket to Barcelona – and remind yourself why you started.

As the year’s end approaches and the exams are looming ahead, ask yourself what you hope to achieve, and work towards that why. Put your written goals somewhere you can see them every day because seeing is believing and believing in your dreams is the key to achieving them.

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