SRC Driving Your Way
The Student Representative Council (SRC) held their annual campus drives earlier this week. The annual SRC campus drives, which were held one North Campus, Second Avenue Campus as well as Missionvale Campus throughout this week, will also take place on South Campus on 14 September 2015.
The campus drives ultimately serve to inform students about the upcoming SRC elections which will be held on Wednesday, 16 September 2015. Furthermore, in doing so it highlights the importance of student voting and provides students with the opportunity to meet the contesting parties as well as to interact with members to answer concerning questions.

The event aim to encourage voter participation by emphasising the importance of voting. Many students responded to the importance of voting by stating, “unless you vote and take a stand, you don’t have a right to complain about what you don’t like.” Second year logistics student, Khobeka Koyona, further elaborated on this by saying, “Voting allowed for student’s opinions and thoughts to be voiced. [Students] are given the opportunity to vote so it is our responsibility to act on that.”
In addition to increasing voting participation, this event provides students with “voter education.” Not only does it inform students about the upcoming elections, allowing for questions to be raised and answered, but also creates the opportunity whereby contesting parties and department members interact with students and let them know why voting is important.
Additional information and frequently asked questions related to the matter can be found on student portal icon called “SRC Elections.”