Spring Clean Your Mind

Spring is the season of new beginnings. However, when last did you ‘spring clean’ the ‘home’ of your mind? Sugar-free September shouldn’t be the only revolution kick-started, and ‘toning’ that summer ‘bod’ can wait another month… It is so easy to get ‘pulled taut’ in the monotonous life of university. And with the year ending, energy is low, and approaching exams may seem a bit daunting. So here is a list of ways to let go of negativity, and embrace a lifestyle of positivity.
Watch Your Words
What you think and speak, you will manifest in your life. Replace “I can’t” with “I will”. Your self-talk and even interpersonal speech is very important in achieving a positive outlook.
Get Healthy
A healthy body is a healthy mind. Look at what you are feeding your body – and what you are not. Sugar and processed food can leave you feeling tired and sluggish.

Have An Escape
Whether it is curling up with a good book or having a walk on the beach, find an ‘escape’ that leaves you feeling refreshed and ‘ready to go’.
Prepare and Set Goals
Start revision at least a month prior to the start of the November exam session. Setting of goals can also fuel learning.
Be Happy
All in all, surround yourself with people and live a life that makes you happy. Follow your dreams and always wear a smile – it is the best accessory you can wear.